Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Wow - 2 weeks since my last posting. Some updates. Steph is pregnant. I guess you probably knew that but she is really pregnant. She is feeling very done with about 9 weeks to go and hoping our little girl joins us a bit earlier than expected. The biggest issue is Steph's inability to sleep through the night. She usually sleeps until about 12-1am and then stays awake until 5 or 6 am. It's not very restful and very frustrating. She's tried taking doctor approved Tylenol PM and got a couple more hours but not the big change she was looking to get. Work continues to be a major stress factor for her as she tries to get things tied up for her being gone. People there are in a rush for her time because they are now realizing how valuable she is and that she won't be around for 3 months. She's feeling pulled in a lot of different directions right now. If you try to call and talk to her, please understand if she doesn't answer, has little time, patience or sanity left. I tell her that her main job is to take care of her health and the baby. If that means she goes to bed at 8pm every night and misses a few phone calls then that's what it has to be. Please know she is not ignoring you. There will be a lot of time to catch up soon.

The kids are doing well. We had a Parent/Teacher conference with Dylan's teacher last week. He's doing very well. The one thing he needs to work on is finishing his "Bell Work". That's the work they are to do in class. When this initially arose we asked him why he wasn't getting his work done on time. He promptly told us that the other kids were distracting him. That when they didn't want to do their work they distracted him but he wanted to do his work. We all kind of chuckled at that one. Apparently he likes to daydream instead of his school work. Not that I blame him much but we are working on it.

Chloe continues to be Chloe. Every few days she suprises me with how much she is growing up and learning. She is becoming a little girl who can express her thoughts and negotiate her way with words now instead of just with a look. I'm still a sucker for her. I can't even imagine what it will be like being wrapped around 2 girls little fingers.

Me? I'm doing well. I'm enjoying my job and I think doing pretty well at it. There are enough challenges to keep me moving right now and a path I can see for when this role is mastered. I know next year will be a bit more travel for me as I go out to the field a bit more. It shouldn't be too bad. Salt & Pepper is filming this Saturday (22nd). I'm looking forward to that. We should have a pretty good product for Drakeel to go shop. It's going to be in HD and done very professionally. I'll give you my story on that next week.

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