Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Bunch of Monkeys

I think we may have stumbled onto something. Gymnastics.

Last Saturday was the kids first day of gymnastics. We signed them up to take lessons on Saturday mornings at Hill's Gymnastics not far from home. It's where Dominic Dawes trained so I guess it can't be too bad.
We had them watch the men's and women's events during the Olympics and they both seemed to like it.

Dylan was a bit nervous before going and told Steph his stomach hurt. The first time we tried to explain 'butterflies' to him he wondered how they got inside him...

Once we got there they both were pretty excited. Dylan went in first and is in an all boy group. It was cool to see how he stacked up against some others. The instructor started them out doing warmups - jumping jacks, running line drills, etc. I think only one or two of the boys could actually do coordinated jumping jacks - Dylan was not one of them. Most jumped up and down and waved their arms up and down. While he was waiting to do something he was just bouncing up and down - the whole time. He did some forward rolls, trampoline work and got timed hanging on a pullup bar. I don't think the smile came off his face until it was time to go - it reappeared when we told him he gets to come every Saturday this Fall.

Chloe wasn't much different. She got to do some of the same things with her class. Her favorite thing was when the coach put the team in the middle of the trampoline and bounced them all around. At one time she hung upside down on the bar and got stuck because she was trying to flip through her hands but split her feet apart so one was trying to go between her hands and the other was not. The coach had to help her out on that one.

All in all - a great time. They also got to burn off a LOT of energy. They were much more calm the rest of the day. Imagine that.

Other goings on:

Last Saturday I came in 2nd at the Bailey Birthday Poker Night - I had to let Wendy win since it was her birthday.

Sunday we had Chloe's birthday party with her friend Amelia at a My Gym in Bethesda.
More jumping, hanging, climbing and sliding.

The Birthday Girls

The work week went well for all and we still have kittens... for now. Oh, Buzz, we found out wanted to be a loner and a rebel all along. He got out one day last week and won't come back. We heard him meowing and found him between our fence and the neighbors fence. He ran from me but Steph picked him up to bring him back inside. He started hissing at her and wiggled out of her hands and took off again. We haven't heard from him since. So, we're down one - 8 to go.

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