Saturday, September 6, 2008

We're Growing

The Envelope Please...

Here we go again! Just when we thought life was getting easier, we were getting into a groove and had some smooth sailing ahead - BAM! Number 3 is on the way. Now that the initial shock has worn off we are becoming more and more excited.
The kids were pretty excited to begin with and each immediately wanted a sibling of the same sex.
With that stage set we decided to go ahead and find out. So, in we went to see Dr. Alter last Thursday. The plan was to have the nurse write it down, put it in an envelope and we would all open it up that night. Steph calls me en route to the doctor's office and said she didn't want to wait until that night. I almost gave in but held fast and she finally relented. I did however, make the nurse give me the envelope. I love Steph but I don't trust her not to look early - I know her too well.
Thursday night came and we had Chloe open the envelope and Dylan read it. Before opening we went around the room and gave our guess of what it is. Everyone except Chloe thought we would be adding a boy. When Dylan read "It looks like a Girl" he got upset and ran from the room. Apparently he really wanted a brother. Chloe was ecstatic.
We both tried talking to him. I told him we'd get to do fun Dylan & Daddy things but it didn't go far. I think Steph made the most progress when she said that he was such a good big brother that God gave him another sister to protect and take care of. He told her that he would watch out for Chloe but the new sister was under Chloe's care. He's calmed down a bit now and will be fine.
We are glad that we told them early so they could get used to the idea.

PS - Last night he asked me what his favorite month is. After going through the typical December (Christmas presents), May (birthday presents), and October (Halloween candy), he said "No, January" Surprised, I asked him why. He said, "You know, because of the baby". He said he was excited to have her and wants to help pick out names. My, how he is like his Mother...


Chef Tee said...

Love the blog, the story. Let Dylan know that Chef Tee, also, has two sisters. But, unlike him, I was the "baby" of the family (if you can ever imagine that). I only received BIG BROTHER status after I had officially reached the dimensions of 6'3'' x 220 lbs. It was only then that my older sisters realized that lo these many years, they had been raising their very own "bodyguard/bouncer."

They couldn't wait to use the phrase, ". . .Hey punk! Don't make me call my BIG BROTHER, he'll kick your - tires! (Hey, it's a family blog) :+)

All this to say, Dylan enjoy your BIG BROTHER status. Once you get the used to it, and get them "trained," having two sisters can be a pretty cool adventure. You have my word on it.

Unknown said...

CONGRATS!!!!!! I can't believe there is going to be another munchkin running around. I also can't believe how grown up Chloe looks! Its been waaaay too long since I've seen you all. We need to get together for dinner. Brian whats the deal with that show you are doing? My mom said something about it a month or so back, but I want to know details. When will I see your smiling face on TV?!

Just to fill you in on my goings on... I moved out of my parent's house and now live in a condo right across from the Bethesda Metro (the building is The Christopher). I also just started teaching last week :-O I know kinda scary that I have my own class. I teach 3 and 4 year-olds with special needs at Brookhaven ES in Rockville (off of Bauer Dr.). I can't believe my babysitting days are over and I have a REAL job now!

How are the kids doing in school? I'm I correct in thinking that Dylan is now in 2nd grade? If so, that is just too scary for me. He needs to stop growing. Has Chloe started kindergarten? It is crazy how fast they grow!

I love the blog idea and am so glad I now will know whats going on with your fam. I think about ya'll whenever I'm at church. We all miss you there! Keep in touch!