Friday, March 26, 2010


I know it has been quite some time since you have heard from me. I wanted to update you all on your donations to my run to support LLS and more specifically Russ French.

Last year 2 weeks prior to the Shamrock Half Marathon I signed up to run and to which you donated, I developed IT Band Syndrome. Basically the ligament that runs down the outside of your legs tightens up. I had shooting pain with each step. Apparently, I'm getting too old not to stretch properly before and after runs. I had to back out fo the race and cheer on my friends from the sidelines. Due to other circumstances I was not able complete a run last year so I signed up for the Shamrock again this year.

I signed up and started training late Fall. Training was sporadic and was limited to time and unimaginalble amounts of snow that blocked streets let alone sidewalks to run. This past weekend Steph and I made the trip to Virginia Beach for the race weekend. I was meeting up with my friends that I talked into running with me last year to uphold that end of the bargain as well. The weekend was warm and sunny and overall great. Despite limited training I completed the run in 2:14:49. Not the time I wanted but respectable enough.

It was not easy. We got to the starting line late after waiting in the port-a-pot lines for what seemed like forever so we didn't get in the correct pace corrals. I spent the first half of the race trying to catch up to my pace group. That expended a lot of extra energy up front so by mile 11 I was at the wall. I also had a full bladder. There is an uncomfortable feeling when you know you have 3 miles to go on a full bladder. I had already passed the last official potty stop so I started looking for a good bush. With so many people on the sides and running through a residential area I was not even able to do that. Miles 11 & 12 were the biggest obstacles to overcome as I was tired, hurting and felt like I was running alone. One of my goals was to not walk and two guys helped me through it. One was my friend Joe, who's off-hand words came back to me at this time, "You can do anything, just don't quit". Thanks for those words Joe. The other was the inspiration of Russ, the reason I started running for a purpose. He just recently went back in to the hospital. The strength he and Marla have to deal with this is amazing. I know they are going through incredible emotions. Just thinking of what the French family has gone through I figured I could power through and put up with whatever I was going through for another 20-30 minutes.

The course goes down Atlantic Avenue until the last 1/4 -1/2 mile is run along the boardwalk. God answers prayers and there were some port-a-pots stationed right at the turn. A quick stop was all I needed and felt much better to finish strong. Another boost was seeing Steph along the boardwalk cheering and taking pictures. I picked up the pace and tried to leave it all on the course. It felt very good to cross the finish line. I accomplished a couple of things. One being that I reached a goal of running 13.1 miles in a race with some of my best and oldest friends. The other and probably longer lasting is that I ran with purpose and for a cause to help a friend. I'm not a doctor so I can't help that way but I can go through a little pain and hardship to raise money to find a cure.

I'm already looking at other races to run, some 10k some half and yes we've even discussed a full marathon next year, but this first one is special.

Russ, this first one is for you.